
Sunday, March 18, 2012

Decluttering: Because I love to show off the inside of my fridge.

Tonight's the deadline to participate in Project: Simplify's Pantry/Fridge declutter week!  Obviously, I don't want to miss a chance to win a new cookbook!

So, here's what I did while my boys were at the park with friends on Thursday, and I was supposed to be taking a nap...



This was mostly a matter of dumping moldy leftovers, wiping shelves and rearranging things a bit. I also picked up a couple tubs at the $1 store this week to organize cheese and lunchmeats. And now I can actually see what food we have!  (Who knew I'd bought so much cheddar?!)

Last week was also Kitchen Decluttering Week at Modern Parents/Messy Kids, which inspired me to get some serious unpacking finished. Last weekend, I worked on the two corner cabinets, which had been awaiting shelves. Oh, were things a dusty mess after 10 months of remodeling!



I'm not quite finished with these two, since I have a few more boxes to unpack, and I'll probably rearrange things some more. I do love the vertical, tension rod space for my baking sheets and muffin pans!

I'm also awaiting open shelves above the "Breakfast Corner" of my countertop, but I bought some pretty glass jars at World Market, and it was time to put them to use!




  1. Looks like you should be ready soon to over to my house and take the rest of your stuff you've been storing in my pantry for the last 10 months...l.o.l. Mom

  2. That looks great!! Decluttering is probably one of the greatest things I can do for peace in my life. I follow the flylady plan usually and it has made a big difference. Your fridge inspires me. I know what I'm doing tomorrow!

  3. I love the tea in the jars! I should do that, it would look much prettier than keeping them in the boxes :-)

  4. hi amanda! it's nice to see your blog. i also see that we follow some of the same blogs. i wonder if we've crossed paths in blog land before and just didn't realize it. it was nice meeting you the other week. i do hope to make it to as much as i can with the group when i have the wheels. hope you're feeling well and enjoying your little girl knits.

  5. Oh -- I love, love, love all of this nesting you've been doing! We just welcomed our fourth baby into the family and, like you, had to really re-think our how to best make use of our small space as our family grows!

    Such fun before and after pictures!

    Sending blessings to you and yours!


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