
Thursday, January 26, 2012

project 52: A self-portrait

So, I'm taking Darcy's year-long photo challenge -- just one shot per week based on her themes. Better late than never, right? (I see a theme of my own forming.)

project 52 p52 weekly photo challenge

This week's theme was self-portrait. I didn't think too hard about this one. Or prep myself for it. I was also inspired by this post by photographer Erika Ray, who wrote,

"People remind us all the time that our kids grow up so quickly. Guess what? So do their parents. Stop. Take a picture of yourself. Do it now. Don't clean up. Use whatever camera you have. Don't worry about smiling or looking put together. Do it with your kids/pets/ or solo. Just photograph you."

(Erika was inspired by Tiffany's challenge at freeplaylife, whose link to Erika I found on Facebook. Then I stumbled on Darcy's challenge, and realized the theme was the same!)

Point is, I finally broke my camera out on Wednesday after letting it sit dormant for too many recent days. I shot dinner as I made it, I shot my 5-year-old practicing viola, and I shot myself with no makeup while giving myself a backache painting an upper cabinet.

(I didn't get a great shot of the baby bump, but it's there if you look closely.)

Here you go:



  1. What a great idea...I love it!

  2. Who needs makeup when you have a beautiful pregnancy glow??

  3. Shouldn't pregnant women take it easy?!?!

    I love this project that you are doing. And the quote about our changing and growing up too! Sometimes I wonder when I am an older woman if I'll say "why didn't I wear lipstick?" or "why didn't I ever wear shorter skirts while I had the legs to do it?". ANd while right now I know the answers to those questions (because Buddy would wind the lipstick all the way up and ruin it, and because I can't get up and down off the floor in a short skirt) I still wonder what my older self will think of this present day me.


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