
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

At the county fair -- the first field trip of fall


Around here, the last week of September never brings chilly weather or hints of autumn color. (Unless you count our outfits and that it was under 95 degrees today.)

The first week of fall is the week of The Fair. The county fair, that is -- the carnival rides, the 4-H animals, the hobby competitions, the food. As much greasy, fried, sugary, bad-for-your-arteries, good-for-charity, can't-get-enough-of-it-in-one-visit food as you could want.

We typically avoid the rowdy evening crowds, and make the most of the free morning School Days. Admission is free, and the fair puts on special shows just for the kids on these days. We especially like the hands-on science area, the farm animals, and seeing what our friends have entered in the exhibit halls.

And the food, of course.


  1. what a fun colorful picture!

  2. Looks like great fun! We love the fair. And holy moly, are your boys getting big!!

  3. I love the new header photo! Looks my grandsons had a fabulous day!

  4. Fun! I love all of the color! And that header is just perfect!

    You had asked about the Apparent Project jewelry. I am actually hosting a party in conjunction with our women's retreat this fall. They are super easy to do. There is no upfront cost. I'm doing it in conjunction with the Haitian Creation purses. Do your friends work in Haiti, or do they distribute the purses for them stateside? I just talked to a woman today from California who is sending me my purses. Is that your friend?!?! That would be really cool! My friend Heather is a midwife in training with Heartline on the ground in Haiti. That's how I know about them.

  5. Hey- This time around I spoke to Angela. But last year Dominique helped me. That is really neat! I was wondering if Dominique was still involved. Glad to hear that she is!

  6. Anonymous7:40 AM

    I think my boys would like that field trip (and so would I!)

  7. Looks like they had a great time. This brings back memories of being a child at the fair. My name is Lea; I'm a follower of your blog through your GFC.


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