
Friday, August 26, 2011

Transitions... Back to Homeschool

It's been more than a week since the last major progress on the remodel.

Scott finished the floors, installed most of the quarter-round molding, and I repainted the baseboards. The electrician installed the new kitchen fixtures. Our friend Brad and his kiddos came over and helped Scott move the furniture back into the house. I still haven't unpacked all the boxes.

Last week I was busy with homeschool planning and prep -- rushing to get ready before spending a lovely, long weekend away at the coast with my mom and sisters for my mom's birthday.

(Bet you can't even tell who turned 60! More weekend pics to come...)

We had a gorgeous weekend at the beach, and I only broke out my planner once. *wink*

My goal before we left was to be able to eat breakfast at home again, so we could jump into our new books in the morning with no distractions.

We'd managed to avoid disposables and the microwave (mostly) this summer by eating at my parents' house, but I finally gave in for the sake of my sanity during this transition.

On Monday, our local public schools welcomed kids back to classrooms, while we spent the morning at a favorite park catching frogs in the man-made creek with some homeschooling friends to celebrate not going back to school. We saved that for Tuesday.

(Not my kiddo, but he sure was excited about the frogs!)

On Tuesday, we broke out the binders, the fingerpaint, and the new books...

Imagine my joy when I heard at the end of the day... "I can't wait to do homeschool again tomorrow, Mom!"


Have you started your new schoolyear yet? How's it going?


  1. It is good to start again, isn't it? :) What a breath of fresh air! We school year round, but did take a break for a month when we were supposed to be moving. It fell through, and we eventually got back into the rhythm of school again. It's so nice to do what we do the way we do it. Ahhhhhhhhhh. :) I wish you the best in this upcoming year!!

  2. We're officially starting Monday. I never feel like I can really prepare enough, so we just jump in and start where we are!
    Happy back to school!

    BTW- you and your sisters all look so different! All beautiful (including your mama) but all different. I feel like my siblings and I look like triplets. If I cut my hair I'd basically be my brother. Which is awesome. ; )

  3. Love this, Amanda! And it's funny, because I've known you and your sisters forever, but I had the same thought as Mandi when I looked at these pictures - how cool that you're all so unique!


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