
Friday, July 01, 2011

This week...

...I forgot to use my camera!

I guess I was too busy doing other things, like...

Showing the boys how to make stone fruit crisp (and letting them do the hard part!)...

Making breakfast, lunch and dinner at my parents' house (so grateful for an alternative kitchen during the remodel!)

Taking the boys to the pool...

Listening to Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows (only 14 days until Part II is in the theater!!!)...

Getting Littlest his kindergarten check-up (no, I don't need school paperwork signed, thanks)...

Listening to Eldest and Middlest practice cello and violin...

Running to Target for cleaning supplies, birthday cards and prescriptions (twice)...

Practicing greetings en Francais with the boys from their first French lesson...

Sending the boys to a friend's for the day and then spending five hours dusting and mopping the plaster and soot out of the house...

Laundry (always laundry)...

The weekend will bring even more excitement, I'm sure of it.

Wishing you joy in the daily things!

1 comment:

  1. Yes...some weeks are so busy that picking up the camera is at the back of the mind! .... enjoy this week and all the festivities.


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