
Saturday, July 30, 2011

La Habra Children's Museum

This week we spent a day with friends who moved to Orange County in April. We met them at a darling children's museum in the city of La Habra.

It's not a huge museum, but every room was thoughtfully designed and organized, and geared for touch and interaction.


The science and art exhibits were full of great things to explore, but the highlight was definitely the theater room.

Abundant costumes, a real piano, kid-adjustable stage lights, a microphone, and audience seating for parents (ahem) kept us entertained until it was time to go home.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! I love little museums that pack so much in. That theater room looks wonderful! And the city bus!? I need that to practice on so I don't get so freaked out every time I try to ride public transportation ("what happens if I drop my money? what if I hold up the line? what if the bus driver yells at me???")


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