
Sunday, June 05, 2011

Kitchen Demo, day one.

On your mark, get set... Let the demolition begin!

This is the moment I've been anticipating for two years!

Plans are drawn and permitted.

Dumpster is ordered.

Cabinets are emptied.

Habitat for Humanity is scheduled to pick up the old cabinets and stove.

Electricians are coming Tuesday.

We've got less than two days to get everything OUT.


This is what the entrance to the kitchen looked like about a week ago (before I'd emptied those shelves):

This corner of the kitchen is coming out completely, including the walls behind:

This is my vision of the NEW entrance:

Here we go!!!!!!!!!


First two sets of upper cabinets are out... checking the soffits...

There goes the first section of countertop!

Tomorrow... after VBS (me and the boys) and summer school (Scott)... the plumber has to come unhook the gas for the oven and stove, and then we can take out the rest of the bottom cabinets, appliances and countertop.


  1. that is def. exciting! best of luck to you:)

  2. I can't wait to see how the kitchen ends up. Looks like it will come out well.

  3. How exciting! Can't wait to see it finished.

  4. exciting :) cannot wait to see the finish product :)
    Good Luck!!


  5. SO exciting Amanda! Love your vision for the new entrance to the kitchen!!! Can't wait to see the finished project.

  6. Wow! This is quite a summer project! I really like your kitchen vision! Can't wait to see the end result!

  7. I love your rendition that makes your vision so clear to those of us who are visually impaired...l.o.l. I can see it all coming together now!


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