
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Easter Day 2011

I love that I get to participate in all of the Holy Week services at our church as a member of the choir. Maundy Thursday, or the Last Supper; Good Friday, with its many hymns and homilies on the meaning of Christ's sacrifice; the change from darkness to light during the Easter Vigil, when the evening light glows through the stained glass, the candles are lit, and we can finally rejoice aloud, saying, "Alleluia! Christ is Risen!"; and of course, the glorious celebration of Easter morning.

It is, of course, difficult to take pictures while holding a hymnal. ;)

But no photos could truly capture the incredible majesty of our risen Lord. We'll have to settle for homely snapshots, memories of Easter traditions and adorable boys, wearing spring-colored outfits in celebration of Life.
Alleluia, Christ is risen!! 
The Lord is risen, indeed!!


  1. i would love to see that sunshine coming through the stain glass. that is one of my favorite sights!

  2. Did youngest already lose a top tooth?

  3. Yes, someone bumped that tooth when he was 2, so the root started to go and it fell out in Yellowstone last summer. It's going to be missing for a long time! Makes him look a lot older than 4, doesn't it?

  4. I love all the photos Amanda. It was a glorious day!


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