
Thursday, January 27, 2011

Whoops! You're out of space!

Ack! So, I'm uploading photos for another post tonight (yes, twice in one week, can you believe it? I'm getting my groove back!) -- when I'm suddenly informed by Google that I cannot upload even one more picture; my photo storage is full.

Shoot. Or, don't bother, since I can't upload the pics anyway.

Actually, I'm kind of surprised my free storage has lasted this long, considering I've been blogging for nearly seven years! A gigabyte goes a long way, baby.

I debated whether or not to buy more storage... for about 10 seconds. But now I have to wait for my transaction to be processed. So, you'll have to wait another day to see pictures of our field trip to the bowling alley. I know, you can hardly stand it.

In the meantime, I've been thinking about making The Big Move. Maybe this is the right time. I've gotten a little too comfortable here, despite being irritated by it nearly every time I post. I feel like I did in 2002 when I still didn't have a cell phone.

What do you think? Have you thought about moving, or have you been at Wordpress or Typepad forever already? Do you like where you are? Any advice for this blogging dinosaur? And if you love Blogger, will you follow me if I move?!


  1. I heartily recommend Wordpress. Opensource is good and means it stays free and has plenty of good updates and lots of cool stuff you can do with it. And it tends to be easier to use and more intuitive.

  2. I will enjoy reading the responses here just out of curiosity....

    I made the move TO Blogger back in the fall because I lost everything on iWeb. (I was ready to move anyway, but was overwhelmed by re-creating a page!)

    I'm glad I discovered you (through a common life) this is a lovely blog!

  3. You know I'll follow you. In fact, go too far away and I'll hunt you down and stalk you! heehehehehehehe
    You can't get away!

  4. I love blogger cause it's free and has some free options. And cause it's free. I don't know what will happen if the day comes and I run out of storage. Cause that would be bad

    Stay or go, I love you so! Yes, I'd follow, if the new blog lets me post.

  5. Dear friend, I've come to know and trust you so well, I'll follow you anywhere !! I started out on Typepad and it was great but I decided to cut expenses and went to the free blogspot; have had little trouble with it. I tried wordpress but found it too intimidating. I didn't care for Yola as a web page but it's okay for a free blog. Hummm, did you want so much info? Anyway, just from one old woman's perspective. Just KEEP POSTING. Your words bless me.

  6. Anonymous10:18 PM

    I've heard that you can use fliker to upload your pics, and you won't have to buy more space, running out of space seems to be very popular on blogger these days...


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