
Saturday, December 04, 2010

The first recital

A mama's got to have some bragging rights, right? I am so proud of these boys!

Middlest began taking violin/fiddle lessons in February, and Eldest began cello in September. Today they had their very first recital, and they worked really hard to be ready for it.

Middlest played "Jingle Bells" on his violin.

Eldest played "Ode to Joy" on his cello.

Here they are with their music teacher, Jason. Doesn't he look like a grown-up Middlest? Their personalities are similar, too!

My mother, and our friends, the Biggs, came to see the boys perform, which was so nice. Unfortunately, Littlest woke up sick last night, so Scott had to stay home with him today, and my dad was out of town for a 4x4 race.

I just got my camcorder back from my sister, but I haven't quite figured it out. I was able to record Middlest, but then it ran out of tape!

Anyhow, we were sad Daddy couldn't be there, but they both did a wonderful job!  (And they were very happy to get cookies and lunch out afterward. ;)


  1. Bravo, boys!! You both looked great and I am sure you both sounded great, too!

  2. I'm glad I got to share in their special day. They both did a great job!

  3. Anonymous4:29 PM

    I wish I could've been there! Curse these Horrible sicknesses!

  4. Alright! Way to go : )

    They look very handsome in their argyle!


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