
Monday, November 29, 2010

Lucky Number 13

See this handsome man? Thirteen years ago today, he left behind the possibility of moving to Tahiti to spend his days sipping margaritas and flirting with babes in bikinis... marry me. (He's a very smart man, so I really can't tell you why he would do such a thing.)

Twenty-seven months of pregnancy, three children, 126 cycles through PMS, 18 weeks of postpartum abstinence...

Five bedroom swaps, three flooring projects, one chicken coop, one 4,950-mile road trip (plus countless stresses having nothing to do with me) later...

We are still married.

This, my friends, is not just a miracle, but a testament to the commitment, endurance, and sheer determination of the man I married. That, and he seems to actually love me.

And I absolutely adore him.

Happy 13th Anniversary, my Love! I am so very lucky to be your wife! And marriage is so not obsolete.


  1. Anonymous9:07 PM

    very cute post. Congratulations. Your marriage is blessed.

  2. Love this, happy anniversary Amanda and Scott!

  3. Anonymous7:50 AM

    CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!! This is a beautiful post!! brought tears to my eyes!!!

  4. Wow... it brought a lump to my throat as well!


  5. Congratulations!

    And I totally understand the rest of your post too! ;)

  6. Ohhhh - beautiful! It brought tears to my eyes! Love you guys- Happy Anniversary!

  7. I followed one link to another and somehow landed here and then found this post. I love your little home here on the web and this post especially!


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