
Saturday, October 30, 2010

Curling up with a good book

"October is crisp days and cool nights, a time to curl up around the dancing flames and sink into a good book.”
The photo is of a friend's fireplace; she lives where it's a bit cooler than here. But I did spend quite a few hours this month curled up on my bed with socks on and book in hand.

I've fallen for Laurie R. King's mystery series about Mary Russell and Sherlock Holmes. As soon as I finished The Beekeeper's Apprentice, I wanted more. I love these characters, and King's writing. I've never been much a mystery reader, but these are so smart and funny and not just about "the case." She's even making me break out the dictionary. My numb noggin could use a little vocabulary building.

Our library system had only one copy of The Monstrous Regiment of Women, the second book in the series, and it would take until next week to get it. I requested it, and resigned myself to waiting. Then I discovered a 40% off coupon and five Borders Bucks, and Scott generously offered to make a late night run to the bookstore for me! One hour and three dollars later, I was back in Oxford, England with Holmes' protege, the lanky, brilliant, California-born, half-Jewish Mary Russell.

Today I took a sick day, my body having finally given in to the sinus cold I've fought off all week. I spent most of the day snuggled up in bed to read my book and catch up on blogging, with a break for a game of balloon volleyball with my birthday boy.

The laundry will wait... Now, will someone please make these pumpkin brownies and eat one for me? Don't they sound better than Halloween candy?!


  1. I recently read Laurie R. King's book "The Language of Bees." I'd never heard of her before, but REALLY enjoyed the book. I didn't even know there were more in her Sherlock series...I'm heading over to my online library to check it out.

    Happy Reading!


  2. Ah, a day in bed snuggled up with a good book. It does a body good!

  3. Thanks for the book rec. I'm finishing up a series right now and ready to dive into something else!

    feel better!

  4. Hey that fireplace looks familiar. After spending the day in your neck of the woods in the 70's we got to head home and start a fire to just warm up a little. Definitely more nippy up here in the mountains. And I absolutely love reading in front of the fire with a cup of hot chocolate with marshmallows!


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