
Friday, June 18, 2010

On the road: The vacation house and Multnomah Falls


Our first morning in the "dream house" (so-called by the boys because of the fun basement!)...

On the road again for some sightseeing...

Isn't that enough pictures yet, Mom?!

And back to the rental house to barbecue and wait for the rest of the fam to arrive...



  1. Tsk tsk tsk... Oh Eldest, young grasshopper, you must learn to master the art of the great bunny ears! Lower your fist! Grin at the camera! Only then will you have mastered the art of the great bunny ears!

  2. Beautiful scenery!

  3. Your momma sent me this way. I've loved looking at your road trip. Wowza!!!! That's alot of traveling:) I just got back from a long one too. We went out to Colorado to visit family. So nice to finally be home!

  4. Oh cute one of the boys at the end, just now seeing that one for some reason?


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