
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

A chick is hatched.

On Sunday we visited our friends up the mountain, and happened to be there at just the right moment.

They were incubating eggs from their own chickens, and one little egg was exactly 21 days old. Peck, peck, peck, we heard...

A little while later, the chick had pecked all around the top of her shell, and pushed her head out...

The kids were excited to see her hatch, and waited patiently as the chick slowly rolled out of her shell, and stretched up onto her feet...

Congrats to the proud papa and mamas...

...and older siblings...

After another 24 hours in the incubator, the new chick can be moved into the nursery with the other newborns...

And when she has her feathers, it's out into the wide, wide world!


  1. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Funny, you posted this just a couple day's after I had been thinking how cool it would be to see a chick hatch!

  2. How fun that your kids got to see this!! Another amazing gift from God!!

  3. So cool that you were there just at the right time!

  4. wow! you guys lucked out being there just at the right time!

  5. I really enjoyed your pictures. Our first couple of batches of chicks were incubated by a friend's sons.


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