
Monday, April 05, 2010

Our Easter 2010

Allelujah! Christ is risen! I hope you all had a wonderful, blessed Resurrection Day celebration!

This was my first Easter back in the choir since Eldest was a baby. I honestly can't remember how long it had been since I'd attended an Easter morning service instead of being behind the scenes helping with the Sunday School celebrations. This year I sang with the choir in four out of five Holy Week services, and it was truly awesome.

The boys found their baskets first thing in the morning -- the pinwheels were the biggest hit! -- and then we went to my parents' house for breakfast.

The boys filled their own plastic eggs with candy after breakfast so they'd be ready for our egg hunt in my parents' backyard after church. The weather is wet and stormy today, but it was sunny and beautiful for Easter!

While my dad and Scott hid the eggs over and over again, my mom baked sugar cookies, and Middlest, Littlest and I frosted them.

I forgot to take a photo of the table, but we shared a fabulous Easter dinner at my parents' house with my aunt, uncle, and grandparents.

And, yes, I ate too many sweets. But, boy, were they yummy!

The Lord is Risen, Indeed! Allelujah!


  1. Looks like you had a wonderful day. It way my first time to sing in a choir in years too. Loved it! Happy Spring!

  2. cute. You match your boys! Love that!

  3. Anonymous3:25 PM

    Your parents back yard is the perfect place for an easter egg hunt!!!

  4. Love that yellow and white kitchen. :)
    (shows what I notice!)


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