
Friday, April 09, 2010

Headed to Tuscon!

Thank you for the sweet notes of sympathy about Mystery. I know so many of you can relate to our chicken love!

Tomorrow we will leave our six remaining hens (and the kitty) in the loving care of Daddy -- while the boys and I head out for our first big road trip since we drove to Oregon for the Life is Good Unschooling Conference three years ago.

We're going to Tuscon to visit my excessively talented (and I say that with great love and admiration) sister Brook for the week, and to see her perform her original songs for the first time on stage.

I am so excited! We have music in our blood, but Brook never saw herself as a musician until this last year, when she was inspired to turn her poetic skills into song. Not only did she write 20 original songs in a mere two months, she rounded up some very talented local musicians to perform her music on the mandolin, guitar and cello.  I'm so proud of you, Brookie!!

The boys and I have spent all day packing, and cleaning, and doing laundry so we could pack... And can I just say that it's been way easier than I anticipated this time around? It is SO handy to have an almost-9-year-old who can reach inside the washing machine!

We've got a dozen new library books, four books on CD, all our favorite music, and lots of snacks for in the car. We're planning to leave first thing in the morning, driving 10 hours in one day so we can arrive in time for the concert. And I have never driven this route before. (Yes, I'm a little nervous.)

Please pray for traveling mercies!!

I'm hoping to post updates from my sister's house, so you won't have to do without me for a whole week. ;)  Also, I have a little surprise coming up. My birthday's on Wednesday, and it's time for some presents (for you!)...


  1. Oh have a great trip and be careful. Road trips are the best. Enjoy the time with your sister.

  2. You are going be dearly missed sweet daughter of mine. Of course I don't know what I'll do without my boys and their boundless energy to entertain me. Have a safe trip and enjoy every minute of it!

  3. I have family in Tucson, too! We travel a couple of times a year to visit. Have fun and be safe. I will be praying for your safety while traveling.

  4. Somehow I missed your post until now : ( Believing you made it safely and the concert was great. How super talented your sister is, that is way cool. I homeschool too and love being able to travel when we want. Have fun and enjoy your time. Be blessed, Angel

  5. oh no! i just read about mystery. oh- i know that loss. it's hard.

    have lots of fun in tuscon you brave, brave woman!


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