
Thursday, January 07, 2010

What's Under That Log? Episode 1

This is so typical.

While I've been reading posts about making a bigger effort to get out in nature, and brainstorming prettier parks to visit, my kids have been exploring whatever bits of nature they can find in our urban neighborhood.

This afternoon, as the boys popped in the door after a brief excursion outside, I overheard something about "...another episode of 'What's Under That log?'" It seems they've been engaging in some regular independent nature study in the neighbor's yard, and giving it an imaginary game show title!

I asked if they wanted to film it for real, and, of course, they did.


  1. Well, what do you know? We have budding nature show hosts right in our own family. They all did a great job and I can't wait to see more!

  2. This is your antie Cheryl :)
    How adorable!
    When I lived in Texas many years ago I worked with a very good friend of mine in her small home school. She had 7 students at the time. Her kids, Noel, and two boys from another family. Evan was a baby.
    Anywho, we loved to do science experiments. One of them was especially fun. We built a small fire in her back yard. We put a fire grate on top of the fire. We took a paper cup and put water in it and asked the kids what they thought would happen to the cup of water. They all thought the cup would burn. Of course the cup didn't burn because the water would not allow the paper to reach a temperature above boiling point. What actually eventually happened was the glue of the paper cup began to melt and the water dumped on the fire which proceeded to go out!!!

  3. I'm not sure how to get my blog spot in here. Do I say ?

  4. goatseathay says:

    How about Dog poo cookies?
    Lizard Tails?

  5. Great!! :)). They made me smile!
    How are you doing with the unschooling? :). And how old are your boys?

  6. listen to those entomologists! super cute...can't wait for the next episode!

  7. I love it when kids do things like that! Love your header.

  8. So cute! What wonderful memories!

  9. nice!! hunter makes his own game show too.


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