
Thursday, January 14, 2010

Thinking of those in Haiti

Dear friends, in case you'd like to give to those helping in Haiti after the earthquake, I'm sharing two letters I've received with links to where you can send money.

The first is from my good friend Dominique, whose family, as a ministry, works directly with Heartline Ministries through Haitian Creations, distributing products made by the Haitian women in their women's program.

Dear Friends and Family -

Many of you know about our involvement with the people of Haiti, and
have been calling and emailing us to see if we know of the best
channel for those who want to send aid to this country to help provide
some relief from the recent earthquake. Funny you should ask...

The organization that we work with in Haiti, Heartline Ministries, is
run by some of the best people we have ever worked with in ministry or
out -- Their work represents decades of work in Haiti by people who
feel called to really help the people there - Heartline is more than
just an evangelical ministry. They are actively involved in helping
the Haitian people with their real, everyday needs, from medical care
to health and parenting classes, to orphan care.

The devastation has caused significant damage to the houses of both
the missionaries and the Haitian children and their caretakers who
live and work at Heartline. In addition, many of the facilities that
Heartline uses to provide essential aid and medical care to the
Haitian people have been damaged. We are working here in the US to
solicit donations directly to this ministry, so that they can begin to
rebuild and continue their service to the people of Port Au Prince.

The money sent to this ministry will go directly to the rebuilding
efforts. There is something exciting about sending money today,
knowing that literally tomorrow it will be used to buy a brick to
rebuild a house, or to buy medical supplies that could save someone’s
life. We appreciate your concern for the Haitian people, and hope
that you will join us in being part of this effort to rebuild.

Here is a link to the donations page:
http://heartlinemin micellaneousproj ects.aspx

You can follow the latest news on their blog at:
http://heartlinemin Blog20.aspx

We have given to World Vision for years, and also trust their work...
Dear Sponsor,

World Vision is rushing emergency supplies to thousands of people left homeless by the 7.0 magnitude earthquake that struck Haiti yesterday. It is reported that up to 3 million people have been affected and current estimates indicate as many as 100,000 are feared to be dead or injured. Your help is needed now!

"We would be very concerned about a quake of this magnitude anywhere in the world, but it is especially devastating in Haiti, where people are acutely vulnerable because of poor infrastructure and extreme poverty," said Edward Brown, World Vision’s relief director.

World Vision has worked in Haiti for 30 years and has some 370 staff members on the ground. World Vision is distributing emergency survival kits — including food, water, blankets and tents — to provide immediate aid to affected children and families. We are also providing emergency health services to the injured.
Here is the link to donate to the World Vision Haitian Earthquake Fund.

The devastation is so severe, I can hardly bear to imagine what it must be like for those suffering right at this moment. Instead, I simply pray, and give from my abundance. I am so abundantly blessed it almost doesn't seem right in times like these.


  1. thank you for your post...sometimes it is the smaller organizations that get the most done- they know the people and the area better than a specially trained rescue group. TOgether we can make a difference- thanks again!

    ps check out my post today...

  2. i had thought about world vision- that is a ministry we have worked with for a while now as well...but i hadn't heard of your friend's ministry. moonpie is wanting to send her christmas money somewhere, and i think heartline would be a good place to start. thanks for letting us know about it.

    i know what you mean about being one of the 'haves' at time like these. when i was talking to the kids about it, i really struggled with knowing how to answer questions about why some have more and others do not. living in this broken world is not for sissies, i say. i guess that's why we aren't supposed to go at it alone...

  3. Thanks for the information. I agree, sometimes its the smaller organizations that are more trustworthy and get the job done!

  4. Dear Crunchy Mom, :-)

    I appreciate your heart for Haiti. My husband and I are quite invested in an orphanage in Haiti ourselves, so the country is near and dear to both of us.

    I apologize for posting this way but couldn't find a contact form. Would you be interested in participating in a blog tour to help promote a newly released inspirational book for Christian parents? One Million Arrows: Raising Your Children to Change the World casts a vision for parents of what's possible when they disciple their children and use their family's God-given talents and resources to engage in the Great Commission. The book features many young people and families (including homeschooling families like the Harrises and the Tebows) who are currently changing the world for Christ in big or small ways by using their gifts. Investment in orphaned children worldwide is emphasized, especially those who are being raised and discipled to change their countries for Christ.

    Ministry leaders like Josh McDowell, Dennis Rainey, Franklin Graham, Ron Luce, and many other recognized names have given One Million Arrows glowing endorsements!

    A blog tour means that on a given day you and a host of other bloggers agree to post a review of my book, One Million Arrows. This is to gain publicity for the book. What's in it for you?

    •You get a free copy of the book that will hopefully be a great inspiration to you and your family

    •You help support the care and ministry to international orphans (ALL profits from the book go to international orphan ministries and it's offered at cost to churches for ministry purposes)

    •You help encourage others by getting the word out to them with this timely inspirational message

    If you would like to participate, please reply asap. The blog tour is scheduled for March 2 and I will send you a free book if you want to participate. I will also offer completed book review text for the blog tour for your convenience (unless you want to write your own). To see a recent review go to:

    Thanks so much for your consideration. I look forward to hearing from you.

    Julie Ferwerda


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