
Friday, November 20, 2009

A nature-inspired Thanksgiving banner

We were inspired to do a little Thanksgiving craftiness yesterday. I found this great idea for making a Thanksgiving banner out of natural materials glued onto construction paper. It was perfect for my boys, who aren't always crazy about cutting and pasting, but love nature.

They searched through our nature display for sticks, leaves and pine cone pieces and seeds, then went outside and found lavender, pecan leaves, and rosemary. We also had some corn husks and orange peels laying around, so they snatched those up, too.

Isn't it sweet?! Find lots more Thanksgiving craft ideas here. And more Friday Nature Table at the Magic Onions.

Give thanks with a grateful heart, Give thanks to the Holy One,
Give thanks because He's given Jesus Christ, His Son

And now, let the weak say 'I am strong,'

Let the poor say, 'I am rich,'

Because of what the Lord has done, for us.

Give thanks.


  1. I love the use of nature items. Awesome!

  2. So sweet. Good things are happening in your home.

  3. Anonymous2:01 PM

    I'm inspired...maybe I'll take some of these ideas to Texas with me!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. These are fantastic. Your family has been so creative this season! Thanks for sharing.


  5. Love that song. Thank you Jesus!

  6. I love this!! And I also love the photo of your kids along the 'production line'... so sweet!
    Thanks for sharing on Friday's Nature Table,
    Blessing and magic.

  7. cute!! thanks for the idea!! we should make one too!

  8. We are having friends over this week to make a Thanksgiving craft! This would be perfect, I think. Thanks for the inspiration!


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