
Tuesday, October 06, 2009

What our homeschooling has looked like lately...

Completely absorbed in dissecting owl pellets...

Discovering the joy of independent reading...

A creative solution for my dysgraphic math lover...

Learning alongside friends...

Lots of experimenting!


  1. When I see pictures like this it makes me feel like I really should be home schooling. All of the kids looks so engaged!

  2. wow! owl pellets- what fun! i remember doing that in jr. high and feeling super nerdy because of how much i loved it. oh, the social pressure of jr. high. : (

    that quilt- is that on your bed? did you make it? it is lovely!

  3. Looks like loads of fun! :)

  4. looks awsome. homeschool kids have the best time:-)

  5. okay... i keep reading about owl pellets. i have NO idea what you might do with owl poop! please enlighten me. i feel too stupid to ask anyone else. looks like ya'll are having a blast!

  6. I remember dissecting owl pellets and reconstructing most of a mouse skeleton. How fun!

  7. Oh, I wish I were there with all of you more! I miss my boys (and, of course, you and Scott). Give them big kisses for me.

    Love you,



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