
Friday, October 23, 2009

Friday Nature Table: An autumn hike

On Monday we headed to Tehachapi for our first nature hike of the season.

It was cool and blustery when we arrived, and I forgot our jackets. It had been 85 degrees at home the day before! Thankfully our sweet friends had some to share.

Up on the trail, we were blocked from the wind, and by the time we reached the top of the hill, everyone had stripped off their sweatshirts.

We took along paper and pencils to do some tree bark rubbings, collected leaves of all different colors, snacked on rosehips from wild roses, admired the work of wasps in the oaks, and generally enjoyed the beautiful day.

Don't these look like happy kids?!

For more Friday Nature Table, visit the The Magic Onions. She has some wonderful Halloween and fall crafts posted!


  1. Sounds and looks like a great day!! Those are definitely some happy kids, which makes a happy mom! I just love autumn.
    Have a great weekend

  2. How fun! Where did you go in Tehchapi? I have been wanting to take my kids there for the day.

  3. I actually did some of my childhood growing in Tehachapi (Bear Valley to be exact). Seeing these pictures makes me miss home dearly. I really hope our family is provided the opportunity to live in such an enviroment. 84* today, no need for even a sweatshirt in sight. Not my idea of fall. haha.. Thank you very much for the brief walk down memory lane...

  4. In another note. Bear Valley hosts a one room school house with all teaching tools in tact. ie: desks, books, slates. It is free to look around. If you take the path off to the left of the school house there is a several hundred year old oak tree with a broken rope tied to it.This was a rope swing used by school kids to swing into the river at the time. It would be a great outting for the wee wonders if you choose to go... Blessings!


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