
Monday, September 21, 2009

One Big Family Reunion

My paternal grandmother turned 80 years old yesterday, and we had one serious party to celebrate! It had been six years since the last big gathering, and I hadn't seen one of my cousins in 20 years. Plus there were a few new additions to meet!

This was the weekend by the numbers. It all began with one gorgeous matriarch...

And one handsome patriarch...

Gramma and Grandpa had 4 sons and one daughter.
I'm one of 15 grandchildren.
Add 9 spouses, and that adds up to one big family...

Including 10 great-grandkids (including a newborn in Ohio)...

Five sweet boys...

Two toddlers in pink...

...and brown...
One cute baby to pass around...

Four terrific teens...

To get them all together, it took...

11 plane tickets
4 domestic flights
1 international flight
6 long distance car rides
4 hotel rooms
9 overnight guests
-- and added up to one very full house!

We gave Gramma one amazing scrapbook...

And together consumed...

7 consecutive meals
5 coolers of beer and soda
5 gallons of lemonade
10 gallons of iced tea
10 pizzas
4 big salads
42 pieces chicken breasts
3 dozen shrimp skewers
4 dozen fruit skewers

60 meatballs
4 trays of appetizers
4 dozen free-range eggs
3 packages of bacon
2 dozen waffles
3 batches of pancake batter...

Which kept us energized for lots and lots of silliness...

Plus 2 games of Scrabble...

3 games of Battleship...

3 movies
One guitar lesson with Auntie Brookie...

2 sessions in the pool...

Assisted by...
6 glow-in-the-dark wands
1 weekend-long backyard spy game
and hundreds of bubbles...

The party included one furry doggie...

And was recorded by numerous photo shoots...

...using 10 cameras
6 laptops
and producing
1165 pictures!

And it all ended all too quickly with too many tearful goodbyes.


  1. My goodness!
    That's quite something.
    COngrats to everyone for pulling that one off!!!

  2. What a wonderful family reunion! You did such a great thing. There is nothing more beautiful than family together!

    Where are you going apple picking? I heard of some places in Tehachipi(such a hard word to spell!) Is there something closer that you know of?

  3. That's amazing Amanda!! Beautiful pictures. You have such a wonderful family.

  4. You are brilliant and entertaining!

  5. What a great post! What great memories! The details were so interesting to read.

  6. too much to take in and my jet seems like yesterday to me because of our long trip back home! I miss you terribly!! The 1165 photos doesn't include the ones I took on Sunday that Maryline never got, so it will do me good to get those posted. Thanks for this, it's wonderful! Can you print this page somehow? probably? trying to call and let Grant and Wesley talk, that tearful goodbye broke my heart worst of all!!

  7. Wonderful post...wonderful pictures! Thanks for sharing your family with us.

  8. amazing! i pray that i am the matriarch of a wonderful huge family one day!

  9. wonderful family , what a happy event for your granmom. Family is one of the best gifts god has given us .

  10. That was a beautiful post. I am so happy you all got to spend a wonderful weekend together :)

  11. OH MY GOSH! That is so AWESOME! makes me so sad that we will never have a reunion like that :( Maybe when i am the age of your grandma and have all my grandkids around it will happen! Girl! I so need to learn to blog like you! That was so cool! And you did great with the pictures!

  12. It looks like you had a great time. What wonderful pictures!! Family reunions are the best.

  13. How 100% amazing!

    They both must have both looked at those around the table and thought that all who are gathered here are due to our love for each other...

    Blessings to all


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