
Friday, July 24, 2009

And, we're off again!

We've been home for four days, just long enough to...
  • Wash 12 loads of camping and cat pee laundry.
  • Attend to innumerable spats between cranky boys who didn't sleep well during the weekend-long frat party at the campsite next to us.
  • Clean the chicken coop.
  • Harvest Indian popcorn, carrots, tomatoes, zucchini, and arugula, and dig up all my potato plants to find not a single potato.
  • Bake two loaves of zucchini bread and five dozen pumpkin cookies.
  • Pick up new books and books on CD at the library.
  • Renew our AAA membership and pick up maps to San Francisco.
  • Repack!
And now we're off on another adventure!

We're visiting my sister for the first time since she moved to San Francisco four years ago. It'll be so nice to finally see where she's been living and working -- and to meet her boyfriend of the past year! We'll spend Saturday at the California Academy of Sciences, and squeeze in as much other fun as we can. I'll be back with pictures!


  1. Sounds fun Amanda!!!! Have a great time!!!

  2. It looks like you guys are having a fun summer! Be safe!

  3. the pumpkin cookies sound yummy.

    San Fransico sounds like a fun adventure enjoy, can;t wait to see your picutres:-)

  4. So I'm not the only one with a cat pee problem? My old calico seems to have an aversion to her sand, ew!!!!


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