
Saturday, June 27, 2009

Wake me up in 30 minutes.

I LOVE this. I napped every day when I was pregnant with each of my kids -- completely guilt-free. A mama needs rest to grow a new baby, right? Duh.

But when I'm not pregnant (like, now), I feel a twinge of guilt when I get the urge to crash on the couch before the day's duties appear "done." (But seriously, when is it ever done? Even when I don't nap...?)

Most days, I just push myself until the kids' bedtime -- and then I fall asleep, too. Leaving no time alone with hubby. More guilt. More feeling like something's wrong with me because I need as much sleep as my kids.

This is ridiculous.

When our bodies need rest, we should rest. Stay-at-home parents usually have ready access to a sofa or bed. We should be able to fulfill this basic need than most people -- as long as our little ones are not in danger of escaping into the street or falling into the toilet. So why don't we?

Doctors nap at work. They have to. They're on call for 24 hours at times. So are parents. And our job is just as important. Just saying.

So, hey, it's the weekend. And it's probably hot outside. Give yourself a break and go take a nap. I will, too.


  1. so true I have been naping for a bit each afternoon when the baby naps, the older kids play or read in their rooms quietly. I have found if I mom is refreshed the rest of the day goes much better

  2. Amen! I have fought off naps recently because I was having so much trouble sleeping at night. Not so much now. So maybe I'll let myself nap some! Thanks for the encouragement.

  3. I had been napping and then I woke up to this post! How appropriate!

  4. One of the main (if not the only) reasons why I purchased a pregnancy test was my excess sleeping, I just could not keep my eyes open!!

    Luckily, my son sleeps in until 8 or 9 am :) so I don't have to wake up at 6 am... yet :o)

    This was a lovely post, it's not a taboo to nap! LOL

  5. I know exactly what you mean...I fight th guilt too- however a well rested momma is much better- at everything! I work from home and if I get super sleepy in the afternoon, I hit the couch...My kids are old enough to set a timer and "wake me up" if I need them to....or snuggle up on the couch and rest with me....its all good~!

  6. YES!!! doctors take naps! i love it!

    now, how do i KNOW, for certain, that my littlest won't fall it the toilet? or flush something down it? seems like that's ALWAYS a possibility 'round here!

  7. i agree so much - there are so many studies about this, too!

  8. Anonymous2:01 PM

    I like my naptime... even if I'm currently spending it typing a comment ;) But as long as I get 20 minutes with my feet up, lying flat on my back, I'm usually doing good. I do the "wait up til late for husband" routine, and if I miss the nap, I'm out during storytime ;)

  9. In my house they know they have to let me nap if they want a happy mom/wife... I do feel guilty some times though...

  10. Hmph. Thanks. Sometimes you just need someone else to say it's ok! I also feel guilty sleeping during the day and need that time with the hubs in the evening so I'm highly caffeinated, which isnt the answer either....
    thanks, again!


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