
Monday, June 01, 2009

Menu Plan Monday

I haven't felt much like menu planning the last few weeks. Maybe because it's getting so hot. Maybe because I keep forgetting to call the appliance repair guy to come check out why my oven stopped working.

Although I'm pretty sure I know why -- it was feeling overworked! It quit after I baked four dozen cookies, and then tried to bake a lasagna. Fortunately, my parents didn't mind me coming over to use their oven and share the lasagna! Or the bbq chicken pizza, or the strawberry banana bread...

But it's been mostly about easy, stove-top meals lately:
Tacos, grilled cheese and tomato soup, spaghetti, pancakes and eggs for dinner, quesadillas, bbq burgers or chicken, fried fish and sauteed veggies...

I'm about done with soup for the season, but I need to make that yummy Swiss Chard and Artichoke soup one more time before the artichokes disappear for another 11 months.

And I definitely want to get back to baking this week. I've got six pounds of organic blueberries waiting for me to turn them into blueberry cobbler, pie, muffins and jam! And we're about to have zucchini coming out of our ears. Time for zucchini bread!!

On that note, here's a recipe (I'm sorry, I don't remember where I found this one):
Zucchini bread

3 1/4 cups all purpose flour
1 1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp ground nutmeg
2 tsp baking soda
1 tsp ground cinnamon
3 cups sugar
1 cup vegetable oil
4 eggs, beaten
2/3 cup water
2 cups grated zucchini
1 tsp lemon juice
1 cup chopped walnuts or pecans
(Note, adding a handful of chocolate chips is great too)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mix dry ingredients except for nuts (and chocolate chips if you go that route) in a large bowl. In a separate bowl, mix wet ingredients. Fold into dry, and add nuts (and chips). Bake in two greased loaf pans for one hour, or until done.
For more Menu Plan Monday, visit Organizing Junkie. She's got a giveaway going on this week!


  1. swiss chard and artichoke soup sounds yummy. I love blueberries, and zucchinni too. Summer just has some many fresh wonderful food options.

    Hope you get your oven fixed, I know that can be a hassle, but simple stove top meals are good for the summer too.

  2. I don't care for zucchini, but I love zucchini bread. I think I'll try that recipe myself.

    I don't feel much like making dinners during the summer. It's so hot, and I hate to use the oven too much. I'll have to look up more skillet dinners. Good thing hubby loves to bbq, lol!

  3. how'd you make your taco shells up there? are they baked or fried? they look yummy!!!

  4. Mandi -- I meant to mention that in the post! Scott fried corn tortillas like his aunt taught him long ago -- we're never going back to boxed taco shells!

  5. yummy! I am going to follow your lead- i really need to get back to menu planning- we have weeks in the summer where everything is cooked on the grill...and we eat off of paper plates....its like vacation at home.:) Im going to post a weeks worth of menus and see how it goes....Have a great one! and good luck with your oven!

  6. Hi! I am newish to blogging and I really enjoy your blog! Those receip's look yummy!

  7. The birds definitely got more than their fair share of my blueberries this year, but I wound up with a few cups of bluish-purple joy!

    Zucchini season is about to come upon us and I just can't wait!

  8. Anonymous12:36 PM

    How hilarious, I'm about to post a recipe of the zucchini bread that I made a couple days ago. I even posted about it recently LOL, we have good taste aye?

    Those taco shells look deeelish!!!

    You're trying to torture me aren't you?!?


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