
Thursday, May 07, 2009

Only with God's help

Moreover -- let us also be full of joy now! Let us exult and triumph in our troubles and rejoice in our sufferings knowing that pressure and affliction and hardship produce patient and unswerving endurance.
--Romans 5:3 (AMP)


  1. Boy is that a needed reminder!

  2. I needed that today--oldest girl is driving me to distraction.

  3. Anonymous9:10 PM

    I missed you tonight.

  4. Anonymous12:23 AM

    AMEN!! Food for the soul :)

  5. I sure hope you get to feeling better soon!

  6. that's the key right? not only persevering through the hard, but finding joy in it.

    on hubby's computer again- but wanted to stop in to say hi! sounds like you have been busy around the house. that is inspiring! i love that you have a laundry sofa! haha! i sooo hear you on that one.

    about vitamin D- that is GOOD news! because that is an easy fix. i have read that in traditional cultures women wait 3-4 years in between children to restore their bodies. makes sense, right? i keep telling myself that to maintain my joy (see paragraph 1) about not getting pregnant! when you're ready to embark on the cod liver oil highway, check out green pastures fermented cod liver oil. it is horribly disgusting, but really high in vitamins and a little goes a long way. you feel the affects pretty quickly.

    happy mother's day to you!

  7. Mandi -- "it's horribly disgusting" but totally worth it? ROFLOL.

  8. You've got the flu? I sure hope it isn't serious!

    Wishing you well!

  9. what a great reminder that our trials and crazy days have a purpose too, not just to make us pull out our hair but to teach us and prepare us to serve the kingdom of christ.


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