
Sunday, April 26, 2009

This post is as overstuffed as our week was.

“Those who sow in tears shall reap with shouts of joy! He who goes out weeping, bearing the seed for sowing, shall come home with shouts of joy, bringing his sheaves with him.”

--Psalm 126:5-6
As a friend said to me this week, "My cup runneth over and spilleth all over the floor."

It's been a very full week. Full of celebrations and laughter, full of emotions and tears.

My oldest son turned eight years old on Thursday. EIGHT! He received his first pocketknife, his first analog watch, and his first Rubik's Cube. Scott took the day off work, and we celebrated simply with friends and cupcakes at the park.

I cried all the next day. Over clean socks on the floor and other such nonsense. I was trying to catch up on the house and the garden after two weeks of alternating busy-ness and tiredness, and it was obviously too much for one day.

Thank you for all the well wishes and inquiries. I haven't seen the doctor about my test results yet, so I don't know any more, but my hormones were certainly doing their own thing this week. And I've been trying to prepare myself for their next arrival.

After I let out all the yuckies, Saturday was a lovely day. The boys wore themselves out on two bounce houses, sack races, and an inflated obstacle course, first at another birthday party and then our church's spring picnic. They slept hard last night!

Yesterday was good, too. I didn't even mind being peed on during nursery duty. I had a friend to chat and commiserate with, and we always enjoy ourselves.

Later in the day, we took the boys and my parents bowling, since that's what my Birthday Boy had requested instead of a big party. That was so much fun, we wondered why we don't do it more often!

I also got to spend some time in the garden. It was warm, and everything needed a drink. The tomato plants are doing well, including two volunteers that popped up in the compost pile. The corn, zucchini and green beans have sprouted. And the potatoes are starting to come up, too!

I started basil and another batch of peppers and tomatoes in cups. It was 99 degrees last Monday, but it's supposed to be in the 80s this week. If it gets very hot again before they're up, I'll bring them inside. We planted cantaloupe, watermelon, Delicata squash and butternut squash seeds directly in the ground.

Now that the garden is basically planted, I'm ready to focus on the indoors for a while. As long as I water once a day, and weed at least once a week, the garden should just do its thing for a while.

But the house needs some serious decluttering, organizing and spring cleaning! We'll see how that goes... I'm trying to let go of the impossible and just abide in Him.

Hold me tight, Lord, and don't let me get away.


  1. I'm glad you had such a wonderful weekend after a rough Friday. It's so odd to hear you talk about bringing plants in because of the heat. Where I am we are bringing them in if there is a frost!

  2. Oh dearest, wait until double digits.

    Last year, I felt absolutely unreal to have created an independent life an entire decade ago. And I don't know what next year will bring when Simon turns 10.

    Unfortunately/Fortunately, they didn't find a single medical reason for my being so freaked out about it.

  3. man-
    i had a rough week too. so emotional-maybe we have the swine flu and that's just one of the side effects.

    ok- i shouldn't joke, the swine flu is very serious

    but i know that feeling- crying over clutter, socks, what have you. it's not fun. this morning john gave me time to pray and i found true respite in psalm 107. my prayer was 'you are in control of me, and i am in control of my emotions'. it's a mantra of sorts.

  4. Sorry you had a bad day! Pregnancy horomones get the best of us all! I'm totally jealous of your garden! I hope your week continues to improve, and I'll say a prayer for you.

  5. Thank you all for you sweet words of understanding. :) And just in case I confused anyone, I'm definitely NOT pregnant!

  6. Anonymous1:44 PM

    I was wondering about the "next arrival" but then I thought, She would have told us somtime.

  7. I had a similar NOT PREGNANT time like that last year--so much so that I thought maybe I might be despite all impossibilities. In fact, it was right around the time my girl turned 10. Sigh.

    And the overwhelmed crazy stuff. Yeah. I chose to spend the nice warm days (it has been 85) taking the kids swimming in the pond despite the fact that it i s APRIL and we usually don't do that till July, and te fact that I had tons to do here.

  8. I continue to hope for good results for you and happy to see that you rallied after your melting day.

  9. Wow, you certainly HAVE been busy! You are definitely blessed! (And isn't bowling so much fun! :) )


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