
Wednesday, March 11, 2009

California Living Museum

We had another field trip yesterday, this time a favorite spot much closer to home. We belong to a local zoo which houses native California animals who could not survive in the wild for one reason or another.

We arrived at the perfect time; the docents were out with some of the smaller animals, so we could meet them up close.

This is a Great Horned Owl. No petting allowed -- he bites! But he's beautiful, isn't he?

The reptile house is my boys' favorite part of the zoo. It's hard to get good pictures because the kids zip from creature to creature and back again so quickly! They have numerous snakes, plus fish, lizards, squirrels and black widow spiders. I'm not sure why we need spiders in the museum when we can find them quite easily in our own garage, but, there you go.

Nope, that's not a coral snake below, it's a non-venomous Kingsnake.

The kids (and mommies!) got to pet a garter snake -- harmless, of course.

This is the same bird that gave Wiley Coyote so much trouble! The California Roadrunner is also our local university's mascot. This little guy was proudly showing off the mouse he had just caught!

Another docent let the kids pet a desert tortoise. My oldest knew more about the differences between turtles and tortoises than I did!

Some of the zoo's residents kept their distance -- which was a good thing. These two furry friends are both black bears. They have a really nice habitat, complete with a water feature and hammocks in the shade of two sequoia trees.

The zoo's two coyotes keep active running laps around their habitat. Just don't howl at them, or they'll think you're rude.

The mama and baby Black-tailed mule deer were very cute and friendly. The kids couldn't help but want to pet them!

It was a beautiful day out with friends and fauna!


  1. Your boys are so lucky to have you for their mom. You expose them to so many wonderful things found in nature.

  2. Anonymous8:42 PM

    It's pretty sad that I've lived here so long and the only time I've been to CALM is for the Christmas lights...

  3. What a great trip! Doesn't it make your heart swell when they whip out the turtle/tortoise knowledge and surprise you. :)

  4. Looks like fun. Here we are close to Wildlife Images, a really excellent wildlife rehabilitation center. They also have a number of permanent residents that cannot be released due to either permanent injury or familiarity with humans. I think the grizzlys and cougar fall into the latter catigory;)

    I love it when our kids wow us with their vast knowlege, teehee...

  5. What a great day! We're going next week!

  6. Turtles and owls, that's my kind of day!

  7. Anonymous7:50 AM

    Wow! What a fun day.

  8. More field trips!! How fun! You've won an award. Go check my blog. :)


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