
Thursday, February 12, 2009

Thank you! And, anonymous comments.

Just a quick post to thank everyone for their helpful advice regarding answering my son's question yesterday!

So far, we have handled things the way many of you suggested, as far as answering one question at a time and not overwhelming them with info. The boys seem to have forgotten the topic for now, but I do feel more prepared to fill in the missing details the next time the ask.

Also, if you left an anonymous message in hopes of winning the giveaway, I need to know who you are! (Yes, Lauri, I know one of them is you. :) Just leave one more message, and sign your name at the bottom.

Have a good day! We're off to a Valentine's Day party with our homeschooling group!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:01 AM

    ok, fine, I left two anonymous comments. No being under the radar, huh. I guess it's time to abandon the world of anonymity and actually leave my name...

    Lauri B


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