
Monday, February 09, 2009

A Sustainable GIVEAWAY: Cloth napkins and compost bucket

“Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful.”
--William Morris

When my mother and I were decluttering my parents' house and storage for a huge yard sale last year, I pulled a few things out for myself. Our Raggedy Andy cookie jar, some cute flour and sugar canisters, a few books I wanted, and the vintage-looking curtains that were hanging in her kitchen when my parents moved in seven years ago.

I thought about making the curtains fit in my own kitchen, but eventually decided to repurpose them for cloth napkins. Learning how to sew has been on my to-do list forever, and I finally coerced my mom into teaching me the basics last year.

The fabric sat in my closet for a good six months, but last week we took a sewing day, and I finally made the napkins! They are not perfect, by any means, BUT -- I really want to share them with you! I made 10 lined napkins, so I'm keeping five and giving five to one lucky reader!

And remember that cute red compost bucket she gave me? How would you like one for your own kitchen counter? Yes, my mom found another!

So, here it is! An eco-friendly valentine awaiting one lucky reader! A set of five cloth napkins made with repurposed fabric, and a shiny new compost bucket! I just hope you don't hate red.

Some of you are already expert composters, and I know you're going to love this. But if you don't yet compost, now's a great time to start! I'll share some reasons why in a separate post. Just be sure to leave me a comment so I can enter you into the Giveaway! You have until Friday at noon.

Then go visit my mom's blog, and tell her how much you appreciate her! This whole giveaway would not have been possible without her. Thanks, Mom!!

If you need a little more inspiration and encouragement while you're waiting to see if you won, head over to Melinda's blog and read her post on Finding the Willpower to Change Everyday Habits.


  1. Sweet! I love red:) In fact my kitchen is someday going to be retro red and yellow.

  2. What a fun giveaway!! I tried to comment and I think it didn't work.

  3. way to go on the napkins! here's some sewing wisdom i'd like to pass on: when i feel a little discouraged about a sewing project not going quite right, my husband always tells me that i am one project closer to being an expert! so true! i really enjoy sewing. working on a dress for my daughter now...lots of fun!

    oh- please count me in for the giveaway!

  4. Anonymous2:02 PM

    I have been making my own napkins for years now, and you can never have enough!!! I also have a compost pile and a garden, and your compost bucket looks so pretty! I love it!
    Say, I've been impressed with your crunchy/Christian combo. I don't see that much. I love hearing how you are introducing environmental stewardship to your church. Sounds like a good service. There is no reason why we can't love God with all our hearts and also love our earth enough to take specially good care of it! Thanks for your balanced views and efforts to inform those of us who need to know ways to do things differently. It really does feel good to learn new and useful things.

  5. This was the wonderful bucket that prompted me to make my first comment on your blog....yippee! (I want one!)

  6. Anonymous3:19 PM

    I've used cloth napkins for years...these would be a lovely addition to my collection and I've been looking for a cute countertop compost jar.

    Love your blog!

  7. Anonymous4:44 PM

    Hey, its your neighbor here, leaving a comment!! Look, I spelled all my words correctly and everything!!

  8. Anonymous5:14 PM

    ooh, ooh, pick me!! pick me!! come on COME ON!! I'll be your best friend!! i'll give you my juice box at lunch!! tee hee hee...i'm feeling a bit jittery after taking care of my fam and a sick hubby!!

  9. Oh ! I LOVE red and love the bucket even though I seldom enter contests and we use wash-clothes instead of napkins right now, and have 5 people so, those are awesome! Very fun give away--I really need to do a watercolor give away but have been too very, very busy.

  10. What a great giveaway. I have to confess that I do not have a compost bucket. But I want one. I do use fabric napkins to cut back on the paper waste but I am a beginner.

  11. oh I think this bucket and napkin set has MY name on them!

  12. hmmm did my earlier comment get here? well, I'm posting again.
    Here's a great salad:
    1 can corn, drained
    1 can black beans, drained
    1 lime, squeezed for juice
    1/2 bunch cilantro, chopped
    1 small roma tomato, chopped
    1 avocado chopped
    1 green pepper chopped.
    that's it. fresh and tasty!

  13. I don't have any cloth napkins! And I love red! Thanks for sharing!

  14. You did a great job!! Won't match my kitchen, but maybe someday you or your mom could teach me how to make some of my own?

  15. Wonderful giveaway! :D Thanks!

  16. I've wanting to learn how to sew and compost! Thanks for the giveaway.

  17. Oh, you're so sweet! What a fun giveaway! I'm planning on starting a compost pile again this spring. I used to do this, but when I moved to a smaller property, I was concerned about the smell. I've been learning about composting in smaller areas and am ready to start again.

  18. This is fabulous and I love red and cloth napkins

  19. I've been wanting to start composting and I adore cloth napkins. Count me in! Thanks, Penny

  20. would LOVE the compost bucket! We have just started our first garden and I'm always looking for a good container for my compost from my kitchen that will keep it out of tiny hands! Awesome!

  21. Anonymous11:07 PM

    I love that quote. I think I need to hang that above my sink or something. :)

    I'm currently using a plastic bowl for compost; would love a great pail like that with some awesome napkins to match!


  22. Anonymous5:07 AM

    I love this giveaway. Thank you so much.


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