
Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Love Day!

We've been celebrating our love for our family and friends all week. Lots of baking, a little craftiness, and plenty of partying...

This was my attempt at Valentine pancakes with strawberry syrup this morning. The syrup was yummy, but only one heart-shaped pancake turned out before the cookie cutter got too messy!

This afternoon we headed up to the mountains for a Valentine's Snow Day! We visited dear old friends and made some new ones, too.

When the kids got cold, they came in to play games by the fire, exchange Valentines, and make heart-shaped pretzels. So much fun!

I hope you had a day filled with love, too!


  1. Happy Valentine's Day. Thanks for sharing your frosting recipe with me. Delish, and all the help with my photos too. love, mom

  2. Your family is beautiful. We too have been celebrating all week.

  3. Looks like a lovely way to spend the week! Thank you for sharing.

  4. Anonymous9:18 AM

    What a nice way to spend the week with the people that you love!

  5. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Amanda-I finally figured out how to leave comments to you. Been reading your blog for months. It was so great having you all for the holiday. Thanks for joining us!!! Got more pictures-been forwarding to the family??? Wish I could figure out how to send ours. Not patient enough yet. Love ya!

  6. Those cookies are adorable!!

  7. Anonymous7:52 AM

    Those cookies look so tasty! :)


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