
Sunday, January 25, 2009

Menu Plan Monday

I haven't done this meme in forever, and I actually have a stocked fridge right now! Plus, this week Laura is having a giveaway of an N’ Stitches Designs envelope system wallet -- and it's so cute!

So, here's my plan (subject to change if I spend too long in the garden or hanging out with friends!)...

To Bake:
Monday - Granola
Tuesday - pizza dough
Wednesday - cornbread
Thursday - sandwich bread
Friday - dessert for potluck

Granola, Honey Nut O's, oatmeal, eggs and toast...
Sunday - waffles and bacon

Monday - sandwiches
Tuesday - Spring rolls and fried rice (Chinese New Year party!)
Wednesday - leftover black bean soup
Thursday - Quesadillas
Friday - Sandwiches
Saturday - Frittata w/swiss chard
Sunday - Burritos (use taco leftovers)

Monday -- Citrus and garlic roasted chicken and root vegetables, with sauteed kale
Tuesday -- BBQ chicken pizza (using leftover chicken), salad
Wednesday -- Black bean soup (use homemade salsa from my December tomatoes), cornbread, and salad (make stock from Monday's chicken)
Thursday -- Salmon, mashed potatoes, and broccoli
Friday -- Vegan night at the Purple Flowers'
Saturday -- Organic ground beef Tacos
Sunday -- Lentil soup (use stock made Wednesday)

What are you cooking this week?


  1. Can I come for dinner on Thursday? Dad's working Thursday night and I can bring some extra salmon. It's great to know what's cooking at your house. Mom

  2. I SO need to get organized and start meal planning. I know it would save money (and time) and with kids in sports it would be great to come home to something warm in the crock pot. You've inspired me!

    I have been baking bread every night (yeah for me) but I would LOVE if you would share your pizza crust recipe....mine stinks :)

  3. Did you make the Monday Menu button? May I use it?

    I love this idea of a regular Monday post.

    We keep breakfasts pretty simple - toast with PB and home-made jelly, oatmeal or granola.

    Lunches consist of leftover suppers OR PB sandwiches, home-made chicken noodle soup or a frozen container of chili or beans.

    Suppers are planned. I am a "cook once eat twice" gal. Tonight, for example, we'll eat left-over Chili Verde soup that I made yesterday for after church and made WAY too much. I see you do this, too, using ingredients to make other meals.

    What I don't do, which I like how you laid it out, is to say which day you are cooking/baking what. I think that would help me.


  4. I love Menu Plan Monday! Mmmm.

  5. Sounds very yummy!

  6. Maureen -- I'll post my pizza dough recipe later this week!

    Joy -- thank you so much for sharing! The Monday Menu button belongs to Laura at She hosts the Monday Menu Plan meme.

  7. That address doesn't work. :( I'll keep trying to find her! Thanks.

    Here's my pizza dough recipe that I get lots of compliments on:

  8. So sorry, Joy! It's just like in the graphic. :)

    I'll check out your pizza dough!


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