
Monday, September 08, 2008

The Simple Woman's Daybook

For today, Monday, September 8...

Outside My Window... the morning sun is already heating up the trampoline, but the chickens are in the shade.

I am thinking... about my friend Kate who just told me she's moving from California to Fort Worth in a couple months. We've been best friends since our sophomore year in high school, and that's just so far away! Looks like we're going to have to buck up and take that road trip to visit all our friends and family across the country soon.

I am thankful for... my husband, Scott, for loving me even when I'm really grouchy.

From the kitchen... comes the smell of the fig muffins I baked this morning for breakfast and to take on our trip to visit friends.

I am wearing... my summery striped jammie pants and blue t-shirt.

I am creating... a healthy little boy from all the nursing he's been doing lately!

I am going... to Orange County with the boys today to visit our friends who just moved there.

I am reading... "The Unprejudiced Palate: Classic Thoughts on Food and the Good Life" by Angelo Pellegrini; "Discover Your Child's Learning Style" by Willis and Hodson; "The Gospel According to Harry Potter: The Spiritual Journey of the World's Greatest Seeker" by Connie Neal

I am hoping... the seedlings I just planted do well while we're gone.

I am hearing... my littlest giggle with muffin stuffed in his mouth.

Around the house... our bags are mostly packed for our trip, the breakfast dishes need loading in the dishwasher, and I need to get in the shower so we can get on the road.

One of my favorite things... having time to sit on the couch to read or knit. I haven't done much of that lately, but I took a little while yesterday afternoon after a very busy few days.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week: A long drive down south, then -- friends! And swimming! On Wednesday -- the aquarium!

Here is picture thought I am sharing. It's of my first attempt at making jam! Fig jam, of course. We're still swimming in them...

This was my first daybook entry for The Simple Woman. It was fun!


  1. Please, please please send your fig muffin recipe!! Pretty Please!!

    I just moved TO California from Ohio. Lots of fresh figs here, LOL.

    It's always great to have a healthy baby! Mine nursed but still weren't all that healthy, well they were, it was just lots of colds and stuff. Not like they had some awful disease... Anyway....

    ** enjoy those fig muffins!!!

    **I just planted cacti cuttings. I have never done 'flowers' before, haven;t gardened since I moved out of the houe and I helped my daddy with his. and have NEVER gardened in this climate at ALL! I'm a bit confused about my cacti cuttings. Oh, well.

  2. P.S- we have 3 boys and 'quasi-unschool'.

  3. Oh this is so calm and peaceful and I am SO not feeling calm and peaceful as things whirl about me today. Here in Western PA figs just aren't though I grew up making elderberry, rubbarb, blackberry, and crab apple jelly and pies.

  4. The jam you've put up looks lovely. I love figs and I bet fig jam is wonderful.

    So sorry about your dear friend moving. That will be a hard adjustment (I went through that myself).

  5. Yummy! This was fun to read!


  6. Anonymous5:44 AM

    Fig jam is one of my all-time most favorite things! Figs and wineberries make the BEST jam! Don't you think?

    Anyway, I love your daybook entry!


  7. HI Amanda!!! saw your post on KAber's site thought I'd pop by and say " Hi", HI!
    Maybe I'll see you at the fair again this year.


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