
Friday, September 12, 2008

Finding peace in the Peppermint Forest

Sometimes all we need to find our happy place again is a little trip to Candy Land...


  1. my 13 yr old son still sits on the table (not dinnertable, but any other table or desk)- just like that. his legs pulled under him- sitting close the book or game or whatever.

  2. boy, I needed a game of Candyland tonight. it's been one of those evenings!

  3. So funny, Kaber -- I can't imagine how long my boy's legs will be at 13 -- he'd probably stretch across the whole table! I'm not all that fond of sitting on the table, but it makes him happy during games (definitely not dinner! LOL). I remember always sitting on the kitchen counter to talk on the phone as a teenager. My other son likes to do that, too -- when it's not covered with dishes and food. :)

    Mandy, we had one of those mornings. I don't do so well when I'm not feeling well and still want to accomplish something. Just have to LET GO...


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