
Sunday, July 13, 2008

Menu plan Monday?

P.S. No, I haven't planned my menu for the week, but it's probably going to look a lot like the last one!


  1. hey- i like this menu planning all around organizing web site. thanks for the tip. it's great to see another healthy eating, csa member family- i will check back here for meal ideas frequently!

    on another note, when you were laundering all those cloth diapers, which detergent did you use? i use all plant based cleaners and i don't know if the coconut oil in them will be harmful. i was thinking of making my own but i would probably use dr. bronners soap in it and that is hemp based. i was thinking:
    one bar dr. b baby soap
    1/2 c washing soda
    1/2 c borax
    what do you think?

  2. Prefolds aren't as picky as some diapers, so you might just try it and see if you like it. Usually the rule is to use detergent rather than soap, because soap can leave a film that reduces absorbancy.

    The most important thing is to use just a little and RINSE REALLY WELL. Also, be sure to rinse poopies in cold first, and soak for awhile in cold with your detergent before doing a hot wash. If you have time and space to line dry, that works wonders on stains and smells, too.

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