
Friday, June 06, 2008

Peaches, playing and other busyness

My sister was home this week, after a two-month stay in Hawaii, which was one reason I didn't have time to blog. Lots of visiting, lots of eating. Now I'm catching up on housekeeping, getting ready for my littlest's 2nd birthday, and making plans for our camping trip Father's Day weekend.

And I need to make time to can all the peaches that are bending down the branches on my parents' tree. As much as I love cobbler, I really don't need to be eating any more of it right now! Smoothies are good, lots of smoothies...

I'm enjoying all the comments on our TV-free week! It has been nice not to have the noise, and to watch the boys playing together more actively. We did put a movie on yesterday afternoon, because we were all sort of tired and grumpy and needing a break, and that's what they wanted to do. It gave me a chance to make a yummy dinner, so I think it was worth it. But really, I don't think they found it as satisfying as they thought they would.

Right now they're drawing pictures with the neighbor kids and scouting out snacks, after nearly two hours of playing lightsabers outside. Peach smoothies, anyone?


  1. So much fun. I love peaches and smoothies are divine.

  2. Oh, man! Peaches! I'm so jealous. We have two peach trees in our yard, but we live in Maine, and peaches aren't a typical "Maine" fruit tree. Our trees don't do so well, and we've only had one year with a really good crop. Of course, our trees look like they're going to produce a huge crop this year. Keep your fingers crossed. I'd love peach smoothies ... and cobbler, and pie, and preserves, and salsa ....


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