
Monday, June 30, 2008

Menu Plan Monday. Or Tuesday since everyone's probably asleep already.

Why doesn't Crunchy Christian Mom do more memes? Because I'm always too late.

Take, for instance, Organizing Junkie's Menu Plan Monday. Most of the time I don't get my menu for the week written until Tuesday. (I used to shop mostly on Wednesdays.) Or Friday. (After cleaning out the fridge to get ready for our CSA produce.)

But this week, I got it written Sunday night for the whole week! And, I thought, hey! I could actually post this for Menu Plan Monday. Except. I was too busy grocery shopping and doing The Monday Thing to blog. (Don't you all do that, too? Rush around Monday trying to catch up on errands and laundry after a crazy weekend?)

So, here I am, finally ready to post my menu. Thankfully, Laura has it set up automatically, so I don't think I can be disqualified for turning it in late. (Unlike most term papers I've ever written and had to talk my way out of losing major points.)

(Shoot, I've already forgotten what we ate tonight... Oh, yeah!) Black bean soup (made with tomatoes from our garden -- woo hoo!) and polenta. I was supposed to make a salad, too, but forgot, as usual.
Tuesday: Pasta salad w/baked chicken, tomatoes, zucchini, green beans, and whatever other veggies we have in excess.
Wednesday: Breaded tilapia, green beans, and corn on the cob.
Thursday: Turkey burgers w/swiss cheese, onion, lettuce and tomato, and bbq potato chips. (Yum!)
Friday: Vegan Fourth of July BBQ at our friend's house. I'll probably bake cookies, and bring watermelon.
Saturday: Pasta or pizza w/shrimp, tomatoes, basil and zucchini.
Sunday: Salmon, potatoes, and green beans or zucchini.

I'm also planning to make salsa for snacktime (w/corn chips), zucchini bread for breakfast, and stone fruit cobbler to take to a brunch potluck on the 4th. Hooray for a fun cooking week! (And many thanks to my gracious husband for so thoroughly cleaning the kitchen tonight in preparation. I love you.)

Don't forget to go see what everyone else is cooking!


  1. Really, I don't see how you can plan a menu for the whole week and actually stick to it....let alone post it. :) I think I may give it a try (next week) :} You have inspired me.

  2. Yes Amanda, you are my hero too! Actually if I did have a brand new baby I would join right away. Having a menu helps you maximaze your grocery shopping and save money as well as minimize the trips to the grocery store (save gas) and of course takes away the stress of wonder what would you cook today... This would be specially helpful if you are "cooking impared" like me. ;-)

    By the way can I have the black bean soup recepie ????



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