
Monday, June 16, 2008

Father's Day weekend

Camping at the beach with my parents was lots of fun, especially for the boys, of course. Friday night we got started with a round of those gooey, chocolatey, camp necessities otherwise known as S'mores. The next morning, Scott took the older boys to the beach to look for creatures in the tidepools. They had made a friend with another boy from a campsite across from us, so he went along with them, too. Unfortunately, I have no photos because I was back at camp with my sleeping Littlest, but I trust they had a good time!

The campground hosted some old-fashioned activities for the kids that afternoon. It was SO COOL! Totally my thing. (And the kids had fun, too.)

They learned to milk a steel cow, to use a bow saw, to pull clothes through an old-fashioned ringer and hang them up with clothespins. (I joked that I'd be having them do the laundry at home from now on!) They dropped pins into milk bottles, walked on tin can "stilts," and competed in sack races. I think I took about 100 pictures. My oldest said that it was the best "fair" he'd ever been to!

My dad and Scott took the older boys on a Father's Day canoe ride around the bay Sunday morning.

They were sun-kissed and starving when they came back. (The boys just because they're growing, since Daddy and Papa did all the work!) So we ate lunch across from the dock on the patio of our favorite restaurant overlooking the water.

We went down to the beach late that afternoon. My oldest loved the sand, my middle loved the surf, and my littlest loved holding onto to mama so he wouldn't get blown or washed away.

It was a beautiful weekend. Happy Father's Day to my dad, my Love, and any other fathers reading this!


  1. How fun and beautiful. I love camping and camping on or near the beach is even better.

  2. camping at the beach...I'll have to enjoy it through your pictures! I'm pretty land-locked here. Thank you for the beautiful pictures.


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