
Thursday, May 22, 2008

Time for a day at home

We had planned to go strawberry and blueberry picking at the local farm (about a 20 minute drive) today. I've only been trying to do that for, oh, four weeks. And again, I think I'm going to put it off one more day. We've been out of the house every morning this week, and I really want to get caught up on laundry and mop my dirty kitchen floor. Plus I bought some tubs yesterday to organize the linen closet, which is so overstuffed with towels, sheets, blankets, camping equipment, yarn, and who knows what else, that everything's falling off the shelves and I can barely close the doors.

UberDad's going out of town this weekend, and I'd hoped to spend some time at my mom's getting my first sewing lesson (while the boys continue to work on their knitting!). Which means I better get the house in order first, or it'll fall apart while I'm playing, and it's our turn to host dinner for our home improvement co-op after we work at the Swanlunds on Monday.

So, clean and organize today.... attempt berry picking tomorrow.


  1. I hope the organizing goes well! And if it doesn't, I promise not to rifle through your linen closet. :-D

  2. Berry picking is so fun, but it is also nice to just have stay-at-home days to tend to business.

  3. Anonymous5:40 PM

    where do you go berry picking at in the central valley? i live here also, and was wondering.

  4. Anonymous10:37 PM

    that's where we go! i live in shafter about 20 minutes away from bksd. but everyone i know lives in bksd, so we're always there. i was wondering where you lived when you were talking about your weather. =)

  5. How funny! How did you find my blog?

  6. Anonymous11:23 PM

    i have been reading mama blogs for about two weeks now. not that long, i know~ i typed in christian mom blogs and also crunchy mom blog (to get some inspiration) and it sent me to your blog. it's actually one of my favorites. i don't know if it's the crunchy, the christian or the mama part but i love reading your blog. i think you have the sweetest family. i just pictured you guys living like on another planet. =) that is so neat to see another mom with the same interests living by me.


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