
Sunday, April 27, 2008

April is for birthdays

We've eaten a lot of cake lately. My oldest baby and I celebrated our birthdays this month. He turned 7. I turned 33. (Is that POSSIBLE?!) Plus two of the three kids across the street had birthdays, too.

I spent my actual birthday antique shopping and lunching (with cake) with my mom while friends watched the boys. Then we all went out to dinner (and cake) together. The day after the boys and I met some of our homeschooling friends at the park to play, tie-dye t-shirts, and eat more cake, of course!

After that, my youngest boy got the flu (NOT because of cake!), and UberDad followed, so I spent the rest of the week doing laundry. Also, planning a birthday party for Boy One at the last minute after he decided that he didn't just want to go the California Science Center like we'd planned, but wanted friends to come over and bring him presents.

So, we spent a few days cleaning up (part of) the weedy yard so we could have a backyard party without everyone being attacked by raging sock pricklies. Then I made chili and baked cupcakes, UberDad barbecued hot dogs, our friends came over to celebrate with us, and everyone had a great time, even the birthday boy.

The boys spent most of yesterday across the street in the bounce house our friends ordered for their 4-year-old's birhtday party. I spent the afternoon at the bookstore with my friend Catherine for a belated celebration of our own birthdays. (We had ice tea and cookies, no cake.)

Then today my friend Kate and her kids came from Lancaster to celebrate some more! She took us out to lunch at Red Robin, where we gorged mercilessly on burgers and fries. (Alright, some of the kids had vegetarian spaghetti.) And then came home to open presents and eat leftover cupcakes. They brought Franklin the LIFE Pirates of the Caribbean game, and Kate helped the boys play it while I made pizza for dinner while wearing the gorgeous new apron she brought me. So spoiled we are!

Between all the festivities of the month, my Mid Kid decided he wanted a tire swing. Fortunately his Papa has easy access to old tires, and the boys now have the most classic of all dangerous backyard toys.

Oh, and two of them got haircuts finally, but I'll post those on the other blog.


  1. Thanks, Angela! :)

  2. Happy Birthday everyone!!!

  3. Thanks for the nice comments on my blog, especially the one about Ellie. I would love to trade some veggies, I am going to have enough squash for a few families if nothing eats it before it matures!


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