
Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Exercising our right to be home

Today we had one of those rare, nearly-perfect, quiet days at home. Well, at home except for a fun lunch break. At noon my mom stopped by see if we'd eaten, and we hadn't, so she invited us out. And that was nearly-perfect, too!

This morning Grouper and I read through a couple chapters of the "Fun with Spanish" book he picked out at the library last week. We have friends who speak Spanish, and friends who are learning Spanish, so he wants to as well. Sometimes he gets discouraged easily, but today he was in just the right mood for it.

We sang and danced to Ralph's World. We fed the chicks raw oats and parsley, which they went crazy for. I watered the seeds I planted this weekend. I folded laundry while the big boys played on, and the baby napped. I baked cookies while they played outside with the neighbors. Then my mom took Puffer to kung fu, and I watched Grouper ride his bike and Baby ride his fire engine.

We enjoyed being homeschoolers -- despite the controversial court ruling of last Friday that has a lot of California homeschoolers worked up now. But I don't want to post about that, so I'll link to Tammy's very sensible summary here.

Our quiet day at home followed several days of lots of activity and socializing. We had friends over to play and meet the chicks on Thursday, Friday and Sunday. We had Shabbat dinner Friday night, and a potluck gathering to discuss renewing our home improvement co-op on Saturday night. We met friends at the rollerskating rink for Homeschool Skate Day yesterday, then went grocery shopping.

Tomorrow we'll be home again, although we may go get the car washed. I'm picking up friends tomorrow night to go see a local showing of "The Business of Being Born." I'm so excited to have a "Girls' Night" with my buddies and to get to hang out with birth activists from all over town!


  1. Amanda - That day does sound like perfection. Some of our favorite moments are just being at home living life. Angela

  2. Amanda, we had a day like that over here. We hung out, washed the dogs, went on a walk and all around enjoyed being together at HOME! It was wonderful, I feel so blessed to be able to do what I am doing.

  3. Sounds like a good day =)
    Did you see the movie and what did you think about it?


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