
Sunday, January 06, 2008

Let the new year begin!

Admittedly, 2007 was not my most stellar year for blogging. For whatever reason, most of the thoughts in my head were either spoken aloud, written in my paper journal, or kept inside for good reason. Between my post-partum depression, my grandmother's passing in May, and the ups and downs of life with three kids at home, blogging mostly fell to the bottom of my priority list.

BUT, 2007 was a fabulous year for making new friends, watching Baby Fish go from sitting to scooting to crawling to walking to talking, going fun places with my boys (Oregon, a couple zoos, the beach, local farm, the mountains, local parks), knitting for myself instead of everybody else (socks, scarf, fingerless gloves) and celebrating 10 years of marriage to my best friend.

I don't know what 2008 holds. I'm not even sure what plans I might dream up. I finally took down the Christmas decorations tonight, and the new year has begun. Uberdad goes back to school tomorrow after two weeks of sleeping in. It's supposed to rain all night again, and it's going to be tough to drag ourselves out of bed on time to kiss him goodbye in the morning. But we're sure going to miss him tomorrow. We'll keep ourselves busy running errands so the house won't feel so empty without Daddy in it.

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