
Wednesday, February 28, 2007

The Ultimate Blog Party

The Ultimate Blog Party starts today! Head over to 5 Minutes for Mom to add your blog to the list of party locales! I haven't been getting much traffic lately, and I'm ready for some fresh inspiration. In the meantime, I'll join Laura's blogging meme...

Five Reasons Why I Blog...

  1. Because I love to write, and it's always nicer if someone's there to read it.
  2. Because I can't seem to remember anything unless it's written down.
  3. Because I like sharing my faith and what I'm learning with other people.
  4. Because it's fun to meet like-minded moms online.
  5. Because it makes feel like a rock star to know strangers are reading about my life.

Now, go join the party! And don't forget to leave me a comment to let me know you were here. :)


  1. Hi Amanda! Thanks SO much for stopping by, and I can't wait to come back and get to know you a bit better :-)

  2. LOVE THIS BLOG!! How cute.. I'm here from the blog party! I'm very excited to be meeting so many other Christian Moms. Drop by my site if you find time...

  3. Hope you get lots of company today from the party!

  4. Just stopping by for the party. I love your reasons to blog. Very similar to mine.

  5. Hi Amanda! Thanks for stopping by my blog. Great reasons to blog. The similarities are definitely funny!

  6. I love it when a blog template reflects some personality of the blogger. The party is on!! Happy blogging and partying!

    Holly's Corner

  7. Anonymous9:04 AM

    The party is still going strong over at my place, stop by sometime. Nice to meet you!

  8. Happy Blog Party!

  9. Stopping by to visit your party! I love your blog name! I'm excited for you finding out about the unschooling conference...I don't think you're a dork for crying. When we were displaced for awhile in a different city (due to our 5th child's illness), I met a group of homeschoolers right around the corner from the Ronald McDonald house where we were staying...I can't even begin to tell you how great it felt to find someone else like me! lol!!

  10. Oh, your blog is adorable!!!

    Thank you so much for recommending that sugar addicts book. I found it at my library and I can't wait to read it when I'm done with my "homework" this week.

    I'll let you know how it goes!

  11. Anonymous12:59 PM

    Helloooooooo! Thanks do much for visiting my party and I am so glad to be here at yours and to meet you. A new contest went up today at my place and everyone is eligible to enter. So, stop back by!

  12. And hello, to you! Thanks for stopping in at my blog, and thanks for the Ultimate Blog Party invite. :)

  13. Anonymous6:28 PM

    Hi nice to meet you

  14. Anonymous7:35 PM

    Happy blog party! Can you do breastfeeding education via email if I ever manage to have a second child?

  15. Hello it's so nice to meet you!
    I didn't even leave the room to go nurse my child... I did it at the computer so I could visit a few more parties LOL!
    Have a great weekend =)


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