
Thursday, October 19, 2006


So, we've been busy getting out of the house to enjoy the fall weather the last few weeks. But the big news is about my mother.

She broke her ankle on Sunday. One week before she was supposed to leave for her trip to London -- the trip we've been urging her to take for years. She was going to stay with her best friend from high school, who has lived in London for 17 years. My sisters have each been to visit Sybil. I've been twice. My mom was finally planning a trip for herself.

Sunday morning she was doing her step aerobics video when the step slipped and she crashed down on her ankle, snapping the bone and cracking it vertically as well. The ankle was obviously broken, as her foot pointed in a rather unnatural direction. As much as it hurt, my mother was more angry at the realization that she probably wouldn't be getting on a plane anytime soon.

She spent this afternoon having a plate inserted and her ankle bones reconnected with a dozen screws, and then a cast put on up to her knee. Now she's home on a lot of pain meds. She was feeling a little "loopy" when I left her. I think her ankle, post-surgery, hurts a lot worse than she expected it to. It's going to be some major recovery.

Please pray she heals quickly and can reschedule her trip for the spring! Fortunately, being the worrier that she is, she bought travel insurance!


  1. Hooray for the travel insurance!! I'm so sad for your mom not to get to make that trip!!! Darn steps. OUCHHHH.

  2. Anonymous4:11 AM

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  3. Glad she bought the insurance! Next spring she will be able to skip through the streets of London!

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  5. Anonymous10:46 PM

    I thought about that trip insurance when you were telling me what happened. Good thing she got it, all is not lost. I'm sure there is a reason she was not to go now, she'll have an even better time in the spring! How is she doing?


  6. Anonymous11:11 PM

    Your poor mum! I hope she's not too disappointed. I'm thinking it must have been the wrong time for her to go and when she finally does go, she'll understand why the delay. I love the fish on your page. And the background colour.
    All the best.

  7. Oh Ouch is right! That just beats the rubber chicken, don't it! Praying right now for her full recovery. Good thing she has you to cheer her up.

    so what news about the move?


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