
Monday, September 11, 2006

It only looks like I'm doing laundry, but really, it's yoga.

This is such a fabulous article, I have post it...

Mamayoga: Yoga for the First Six Weeks of Mothering -- and Beyond

But that's about it for now. Been busy catching up with housework after our lovely weekend at Family Camp in the Sequoias. My friend Kate and her kids are coming to visit tomorrow -- yay! Preoccupied with thoughts of moving to Oregon for fresh air and evergreens...


  1. Mothering magazine is one of the things I most look forward to receiveing!! I wish it came monthly, ever since Organic Style got cancelled I have been a little sad, but then I found Mothering and all is well with the universe again.

  2. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Are you seriously moving to OR?

    Because I am coming back to CA, and this happens with all my friends... We pass each other on the I5.

    Shannon got a job in San Francisco, and when I finally get down there, I want to see this little bundle of distraction in person.

    Keep up the yoga. Years of baby carrying conveyances, esp the sling, really messed up my shoulders.

  3. I love your blog!


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