
Saturday, August 26, 2006

Confessions of gluttony.

Breastfeeding moms are supposed to LOSE weight, not gain it, right? 'Cause I think I gained 8 pounds this week.

Maybe it had something to do with the five pieces of cake I ate to celebrate my mother's birthday on Sunday. I swear, I wasn't just being a pig. She had three different cakes given to her on two different days. I was just trying to help!

Maybe it was the four dozen oatmeal-chocolate chip-pecan cookies I baked for the Not-Back-To-School Party on Wednesday. Turns out the kids were more interested in root beer floats, so I took two dozen cookies home with me. And ate them all Thursday.

Or maybe it was the box of a dozen See's chocolates my mother-in-law sent home with UberDad because she was cleaning out her pantry before she left for a three-month trip to South Dakota. I shared one with my neighbor, one with my mother, and one each with Puffer and Grouper. There are two left. UberDad didn't eat any.

All summer I've been wearing the same pair of drawstring khaki shorts because nothing else fit yet. At eight weeks postpartum, I realized I'd actually lost all my pregnancy weight! (Though I started my pregnancy 15 pounds over what I need to be to wear most of my clothing.) Hooray! I could finally wear a different pair of shorts!

Then yesterday I noticed those shorts had gotten significantly TIGHTER. And the one skirt that fits me didn't look so great anymore. *Sigh* And I was planning to bake UberDad a pie for his birthday today.

My eating habits this week could also explain why I've been so tired and unfocused the last couple days. Looks like I'll have to detox before Family Camp next weekend, or the altitude might do me in.

It's going to be a busy week. This afternoon we get to visit with a dear friend we haven't seen in a year at a birthday picnic for UberDad. Monday I need to go grocery shopping. Tuesday we're going to my friend Emily's for a playdate. Wednesday we meet some homeschooling friends to try the Mentos and Diet Coke experiment and play in the water park around the corner. Then I've got to do laundry, clean the house, go to Target and finish packing before a birthday party Friday night. We leave Saturday morning for the Sequioas.

Oh, and I really wanted to knit Baby Crabcakes a hat before taking him for his first trip to mountains. We'll see how that goes. I might need some chocolate to keep up my energy...


  1. what is the Mentos and Diet Coke experiment?

  2. Did the Mentos thing work? I saw a video of it and wondered if it was real...the Coke just exploded like a fountain when the Mentos was put in..very neat!

  3. Anj, thanks for asking! I'd forgotten to add a link, but it's there now. :)

  4. Just to let you know, I became so addicted to your blog last night that I stayed up way too late reading it and sat down for so long in front of my computer that my butt went numb. I really enjoy your posts!!

  5. LOL That's hysterical! I mean, sorry about your butt. :) And thanks for the feedback -- I love to be loved!

  6. Hey Amanda! You can ramble in my comments section anytime, haha! The BHL group is still big, but the regulars are a smaller group again. We are meeting on Thursdays at Beale Park from now on, so if you are up to it, join us anytime!

  7. When I got on the scale at the Dr. check up, the nurse said I lost the weight...but when I put on my clothes, they fit all funny. The old fat had just been squished around into different places, you know, like one of those long baloons for making baloon animals? And I see nothing wrong with PIE. It is a universal fact that pie is theraputic and therefore not fattening.

  8. "It is a universal fact that pie is theraputic and therefore not fattening."

    ROFLOL!! I LOVE that!

  9. Here's something I've wondered about. What if you took a drink of diet coke while EATING mentos? Would your head explode??


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