
Sunday, June 11, 2006

Must have been the moon...

He's here! Our newest little fish was born at home yesterday morning, June 10, 2006, at 4:09 a.m. He weighed in at 10 pounds, 10 ounces, and is 21 inches long. He's an expert nurser, has the sweetest cry, and is adored by his two big brothers. They were both close by to greet him immediately after his birth.

We spent yesterday attempting to recover from a night without sleep. This morning UberDad is taking Puffer and Grouper to church, and I'm headed to the shower while Baby Fish sleeps in his Nana's arms.


  1. OH HAPPY DAY! Dapoppins does the happy dance! congradulation, felicitions, and blessings from on HIGH! Good Job and good for you! OH, he's a cubby cutie, I had one of those, way to GO whooooo, hooooo! A baby, a baby, a beau-ti-fulllll baby!

  2. Congrats on the arrival of your new baby boy!! May God bless you richly as you raise this little one up to know Him :)

  3. Congratulations! I was hoping he would have made his way into your arms by now. So glad you posted the happy news!

  4. Congratulaitions!!! Praise God for a healthy, happy baby boy!

  5. Congrats to the proud parents! I hope to check him out this week! You must be relieved. Your belly can finally deflate! Ha Ha! (is that a totally non-mom thing to say? sorry).

    love from Jules

  6. Dude, I just also realized that Harrison is HUGE!!! Dang, 10 pounds, 21 inches long! This kid is not messin' around!

  7. Congratulations!!! :)

  8. Anonymous9:23 AM



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