
Sunday, May 28, 2006

Yep, I'm still pregnant.

But I promise to post as soon as I'm not!! Thankfully, I don't have far to go from my bedroom to the computer after Baby Fish arrives. :) Unless I do as I've threatened and go to a motel for my "home" birth!!


  1. Oh those last few days of pregnancy are the hardest!

    I'll be praying for an easy delivery and healthy baby. I can't wait to hear all about his/her arrival!!

  2. Ooooh, do the Motel! The main reason I never even thought of a home birth was the laundry involved in the entire endever. How many loads does it take to deliver a baby? Loads and Loads. Keep "Gettin down!"
    I eagerly await the birth count down. Hummm Will you be at home? Maybe a girlfriend will give us a station by station count down?
    Yes? No? Too busy doing laundry, huh?

  3. I think it only took me one load of towels to give birth at home. However, I gave birth in a birthing pool so I'm sure that cuts back on the laundry quite a bit!

  4. Oh, I wish my midwife still had her birthing pool! But she DOES do laundry, so I never even had to think about it. :)

  5. One load? I know there is a plactic sheet involved in there but one load? Okay, at the hospital, since I can never remain in one position for a protracted amount of time, I was in the tub, in the shower, in the chair, on the bed for the heart beath thing, in the tub, on the toilet, back to the bed, in the shower...well you get the picture. This means, for me, lots and lots of towels, and multipal changes of robes or t-shirts or what ever is handy because I am not going nakid until transition when I can no longer speak to tell everyone I am not going nakid...One load? So, I will then expect the play by play. Can we do it live? No pics, just a few IM's No? Well, I had to ask.

  6. P.S. (I just noticed your comment on my blog oops!) Yes, my Xanga site is still there because a few of my friends who are missionaries in China can't read blogger blogs for some reason. I do like my Xanga blog, and it has served me well, and I REALLY hate that I can't transfer over all of my archives. However, I hate that people have to register on Xanga before they can comment on my posts. Apparently most bloggers hate that as well because you're the first "real" blogger who's ever taken the time to actually do it! :)


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