
Monday, April 10, 2006

Nesting again.

Okay, I admit it. I'm using my re-gained computer time to obsess about getting ready for this baby. Mostly it's about cloth diapers again. Wool soakers to be precise. Wool soakers knitted from organic yarn to be more precise. My diaper/knitting bag is about halfway finished, but I just can't wait to start my first soaker for this kid! I was up until 11 last night trying to decide which yarn to buy and who to buy it from. And then I couldn't get my Paypal account to work, so I was on the phone with them this morning. Finally, I got my undyed Peace Fleece yarn ordered from Nada of Wooly Wonders! I hope it arrives soon so I can get it dyed right away. Only seven weeks to go!

I also happened to be babysitting three extra kids this morning. One went home before lunch, so we're down to four kids in the house. No biggie. Fed them, did the dishes, started laundry. Think I'll go knit now.


  1. Glad to see you blogging again. Wow, you are so ambitious, I do envy you!

  2. Sometimes a mom has got to do what a mom has got to do..but I am not as crafty as you. Your Inspiring. and I have found that after you have a couple of kids adding two or three to the mix doesn't even affect the noise leval. what is one more PBandJ sandwich. Good to see that you are enjoying some energy...

  3. I am so glad I looked at those links cause I thought you were knitting things that your baby would actually be pooping/peeing on directly. And I was really having a hard time wrapping my mind around that!!! LOL. Those are sure cute!!


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