
Sunday, April 16, 2006

Hallelujah! Christ is Risen!

Happy Easter!!! May your day be filled with joy as we celebrate our Lord's gift of Life!

We attempted to make Resurrection cookies last night. Read the Easter story and made the batter together, which the boys enjoyed. Unfortunately I don't think I had the beater on high enough, so the eggs didn't meringue. The cookies were flat this morning instead of puffy and hollow. We'll try again next year...

The boys have dug into their "Easter buckets" already this morning. Now they're watching the Veggie Tales Easter Carol. Instead of baskets I got them new sand pails from the dollar store, stuffed with new bathing trunks and swim goggles. I found chocolate crosses at the dollar store, too! And my neighbor gave me the following poem to explain the meaning of all the colors of jelly beans -- so I tucked in a copy with a bag of beans and read it to the boys as they looked through their bucket.

"Red is for the blood He gave.
Green is for the grass He made.
Yellow is for His sun so bright.
Orange is for the edge of night.
Black is for the sins we made.
White is for the Grace He gave.
Purple is for His hours of sorrow.
Pink is for a new tomorrow.

A bag of jelly beans,
So colorful and sweet,
Is a prayer, is a promise,
And an Easter treat."

Church starts a little later today, so we'll have plenty of time for breakfast with my parents. Then we'll go to their house this afternoon for an egg hunt and barbecue with the extended family.

UberDad goes back to work tomorrow after a week of vacation. It's been so nice having him home. We took the boys to see "Ice Age: the Meltdown," and they loved it. We still have lots to do to prepare the house for the new baby, but the backyard looks a lot better. I have to get some more photos up on flickr after today's celebration.

Wishing you have a beautiful and blessed Easter!!

Monday, April 10, 2006

Nesting again.

Okay, I admit it. I'm using my re-gained computer time to obsess about getting ready for this baby. Mostly it's about cloth diapers again. Wool soakers to be precise. Wool soakers knitted from organic yarn to be more precise. My diaper/knitting bag is about halfway finished, but I just can't wait to start my first soaker for this kid! I was up until 11 last night trying to decide which yarn to buy and who to buy it from. And then I couldn't get my Paypal account to work, so I was on the phone with them this morning. Finally, I got my undyed Peace Fleece yarn ordered from Nada of Wooly Wonders! I hope it arrives soon so I can get it dyed right away. Only seven weeks to go!

I also happened to be babysitting three extra kids this morning. One went home before lunch, so we're down to four kids in the house. No biggie. Fed them, did the dishes, started laundry. Think I'll go knit now.

Friday, April 07, 2006

No time to blog.

Where, or where, did the Mommy blogger go? Or where, or where could she beeeee?

Let's see... Every time I sit down to the computer, I'm accosted by my Bionicle-obsessed son who needs to use it for instructions to make yet another creation from the hundreds of Bionicle parts spread out on his bedroom floor. "DON'T TOUCH THE COMPUTER!!!" he hollers from the other room between dashes to find the next piece he needs.

And then there's the issue of not having recovered from the time change. And how my back aches when I sit too long in a chair. And how I might get five minutes to READ my e-mail but not to REPLY to anyone before the phone rings, or someone stops by, or it's time to make dinner.

And today, the sun is finally out, the ground isn't quite as sopping wet as it was yesterday, and I have gardening to do!